Thursday, June 2, 2011

The beginning of a new journey...

I realize this title is very dramatic. I am flying in the direction of a dramatic change in my life. A healthy life. Emotionally, Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually. The truth is, I am very unhappy. I adore being a "Queen" (mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, etc)....MOST OF THE TIME! There are times I have a flutter of clarity and realize that I am letting myself down. As a result of that, I am letting that affect the lives of those I love most.
I am 138 lbs at 5 feet 1/2 inch tall. I am considered obese. The only time I was ever this weight was when I was pregnant. I know some of you reading may say..."That's not that big!" or "I'd love to weigh 138" The thing is, my weight is not OK with ME. I am not comfortable in my own skin.  I hate looking in the mirror. My wings are tarnished. I haven't had my hair done in months. I could use a tan. ;) I find myself getting angrier and angrier as I let it continue. I am so focused on making sure my "Hive" is well taken care of and my bees are happy that I fail to help the queen. I've decided that blogging will track my success and failure to help me succeed. I'll even add pictures to help motivate progress. This ought to be good...

My Goals
1. Loose 25 pounds
2. Go to the gym, walk in the 'hood, or do an exercise video in the Hive, EVERYDAY!
3. Clean and organize my Hive.
4. Take 15 minutes everyday just for The Queen to breathe.
5. Have a positive attitude (3 +'s everyday!)
6. Have a party at my house when my weight is off and my Hive is perfectly cleaned. 

My Hive is on the list of things to work on, too. My hive is a mess. Clutter, clothes, crap we don't need! First order of business...New jobs for my bees. A fun job chart that they will follow so that the Hive stays on track. Go through the stuff we have and weed out the crap we don't need or use. I heard there is a neighborhood garage sale in August...that will be my deadline for the house! If the Hive is clean that leaves more time for fun!
Summer is around the corner and the Hive will be buzzing so my work is cut out for me. Here goes...