Sunday, September 27, 2009

A break from motherhood...

The only thing I love as much as being a mom is being my husbands girlfriend! (err, wife...My superhero tells me that I can't be his girlfriend 'cause "you alweady may-weed, mom!") Little does he know...*giggle* {blush} I L-O-V-E him. Kinda like high school..have a huge crush on the guy in the hall you see everyday that makes your heart skip a beat...That kind of love. When he proposed to me I though I couldn't love him any more than I did on that day. Little did I know...*tha-thump* My adoration for this sexy man has only increased. With every kiddo we add to the family, with every bump in the road we encounter...He is amazing! I know I sound so sappy but today I just wanted to scream it from the roof-tops..."I love this man". I am so impressed with his patience. He has so much.  He calms a kid from crying and moves on to calming his wife from crying. (teehee, I don't do it that often) He is so strong. My muscle man. He can do anything, I swear. (except climb on the roof...that is my job!) My sweetie has amazing hair. I dare say his hair is cooler than mine...wait...I'll have to think about that. His hugs are so strong and comfortable, they make me feel so safe. I love the look he gives me when he is annoyed with someone or something. It makes me want to kiss him. His flirty smile. My heart just skipped a beat thinking about it. (:  I think what I find so impressive is that this isn't something that he has to do. It is so effortless. It is so easy to him...kind of unfair, huh, ladies? He is just so naturally perfect for ME. What's funny? I was nervous to marry him up until the moment I saw him on our wedding day. The moment we locked eyes I knew...he is PERFECT for me. I felt calm. Butterflies flew away. I love it that he still loves to hang out with me. He loves to make me laugh. I love seeing him play with the kids. I love watching him play his guitar. I'm so head over heels...STILL!
It hasn't always been easy. We've had our share of crap hitting the fan. It is just so unbelievable that we have grown stronger through it all. Who'd've known? summary, I love my husband. He is the very best thing that has come into my life. I love to go on dates with him. I love that my heart still skips a beat when I think of him. I am so glad that we found each other 13 years ago and that he still wants to wake up next to me every morning. I feel lucky everyday that he is mine. Oh, and just this once I will admit...
"Honey, your hair is cooler than mine and I am slightly jealous."
Everybody cover your eyes...Thank you, honey for saying "I do" so many years ago...I love you more than I ever imagined possible. You are my best friend and I would pick you over and over if given the chance. I adore you!! {MMMWAH!}
Ok, open your eyes...Thank you for indulging my desire to adore my husband. You are fantastic friends! Now...go kiss your honey!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just Mom...

I have come to believe that the words "Just" and "Mom" go hand in hand. A few treasures pop into my mind along with a few not so well though out moments.
I wept as I came around the corner at my superhero's baseball game when he slid into home and twisted his ankle. I heard him demand, in tears, "I JUST WANT MY MOM!" Honey, all I wanted at that moment was to hug you close and kiss your busted ankle.
I get annoyed every time someone asks me "Do you work outside the home or are you just a mom?" However, I enjoy the back-peddling that follows...they know that was the wrong thing to say to a frazzled mom with three kids dangling from her purse.
I was volunteering in my daughter's class and a little boy asked her "Why isn't your mom at work?" and my Princess replied "She's just my mom!" and few days later the teacher told me that they were talking about what the students dream for their future and that same little boy said "I want a mom just like hers!"
I was having lunch with my sisters in a mall downtown and we overheard a few business women and men chatting. Apparently, one of the ladies was getting married and they were asking about her future plans and she said something like..."I plan on working, there is no reason to quit all this...just to be a wife and a mom..."
I don't mind when a Soccer coach says "remind me your name Mrs.?..." and I say "just call me mom!" I feel I have earned it...I went through an average of just about 8 hours of labor to be called mom. I lost many hours of sleep because of a sick kid or three, just because they wanted their mom. I have fought a few battles when someone accused me of just being a if I not smart enough to go to college. I had a pediatrician once tell me " I wish there were more mom's just like you!"
I also have he silly moments when hubby come in and questions one of the many choices I make in a day and I respond "I don't know, I'm just the mom here."
There is also the sweet with hubby when he tells me I am a good mom, loving, sweet, kind, strong and just.
I take the name MOM as a badge of honor. I work hard for it everyday of my life. I know I may be just a mom to some people, but I am also just a wife, a friend, a daughter, granddaughter, teacher, volunteer, nurse, babysitter, hairdresser, dogwalker, dishwasher, housekeeper...The list goes on and on. I enjoy every moment of my childrens lives (more or less...germs are gross and I don't do mucus) I love it that their friends love being at our house because they feel safe even if it's just mom at home. I will teach my kids that there is nothing wrong with being a mom who loves her kids and wants to be there for them everyday. (I am honored to follow in my mothers footsteps...THANKS MOM!) I will continue to love them as much as I can everyday...That won't change when my kids are all grown up and out of the house. I look forward to what the future holds but for now, I am content Just being Mom.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Being a mom ROCKS!!

I love being a mom. I am so blessed to have three darling babies that I love more than I ever thought I could imagine. I love their giggles and their smiles. I most especially adore their HUGS!! I love their faces...even if they're dirty. I love that my little superhero looks just like his handsome daddy. I love how carefree and brave my Princesses are...even if I'm not quite ready for that. I love the way they look to me for assistance. (Like I know what I'm doing, right?) I kinda love to know I am needed. Such a wonderful feeling. What a joy. I hope I can live up to their expectations. Little bit of pressure never hurt anyone. I know I am not the only mom that wonders...Did I teach them enough? Will they remember their manners at a friends house? Will my superhero always remember to treat girls with respect? Will my Princess remember to be modest and respectful to their bodies? Will they know it will be ok if they don't make the team? Did I teach them enough about God that they will ask him for help if I can't? Will I be here to see them get married? Will they tell my mother-in-law I let them have ice cream for breakfast...more than once? (Oops!) I just have to trust that it will all come to pass in the way life has planned. I just want to make it so right for them...nothing's perfect. I can't waste time worrying...I have kids to chase!!! Gosh, they are so darn cute!!
I love them SO much!!