Thursday, February 9, 2012

Forever My Valentine

I love to read the blog "Or so she says...". Mariel is a genius. She has a way of bringing women together in the most important areas of their lives. I love the "Forever My Valentine" series she is doing. Since I was too late to volunteer for her blog,  I thought I would do my own entry on my blog. It seems like a fun way to capture the way I feel about my sweetheart, today, and remember it forever.
Thanks Mariel!

My sweetie and I have been together 15 years (March 1st), married for 13 of those years. I am a 34 year old "on-the-go" mom of three amazing kidlets. I love to make out with my husband! I, also, love to hang out with my family, chat with my sisters, sew and craft, read, help people, exercise, cook/bake, and when I have an hour (or 3) check Facebook, go on pinterest, blog-stalk, research crafts and illnesses, and check email. With all this fun, who has time to sleep, right?

How did you meet?
I was 19 and living back at home. My parents had just moved. I was new in the neighborhood and the "project" for the ladies on my parents street (Even though I already had a boyfriend that just left on his mission). I met my husband at his friends house (My hubby's friends' mom made her son invite me over). I was invited to "hang out" and I wasn't even aware my handsome man was there. He walked upstairs from the basement and I fell for him in an instant. I said "Who is this?" His friend casually introduced us, like it was no big deal, and I was hooked! We flirted over quesadillas and salsa.  When I left I really thought I'd never see him again. That night,  I kept thinking up ways I could get us all to go out again because I was too embarrassed to ask his friend for his handsome friends number. 
What did you do on your first date?
We went on our fist date two weeks after we met. He picked me up and we went to TGI Friday's (We ended up leaving before we were seated because he was worried about missing the first few minutes of the Hockey game we were going to :)) We ended up at a restaurant that seated us immediately and we were good to go! We went to an ice hockey game and went back to his place and played The Game of Life. (The board game. ;)) We talked all night without any hesitation or awkward pauses. We were so comfortable together. I have to add, because I still get teased about it, at the end of our date, I did NOT kiss him. I extended my arm and shook his hand! (Come on...don't laugh! I kinda already had a boyfriend!) The kiss goodnight came about a month later ;).

What’s the best romantic getaway you’ve been on?
 The best romantic getaway was for our 10th anniversary. My sweetheart planned an entire weekend without my knowledge...even packed a bag and got an overnight babysitter for our crew. He asked me to get all dressed up and blindfolded me. We went downtown and ate at a super fancy restaurant and he then took me to a suite in the mountains. It was amazing!

What would the ultimate romantic getaway be??
 Just the two of us in Italy. Ahhh...Tuscany. Neither of of has ever been. We've talked about learning Italian, together, and as a reward, go to Italy and enjoy.
What are your songs?
Its funny, I think we've collected songs from the different stages of our life together. I love it when a song comes on the radio and I get to share some fun story with my kids about dating their daddy. Our songs include...The Refreshments "Banditos", "I Knew I loved You" by Savage Garden,
"From This Moment On" Shania Twain & Bryan White (ONLY if they sing it together) Our first dance at our wedding was to this song. Phil Vassar "Just Another Day In Paradise" Every time I hear this song I get is SO real life to me! “Lucky” by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillet. I'm sure I'm forgetting one but these came to my mind first.

If you were to make a special dinner for him, what would you make?
I would serve him Steak with asparagus, Rice-a-Roni, crab cakes and a wedge salad. For dessert...Oreo parfaits!
What was the coolest gift you ever bought him?
When we were first married my sweetheart lost his job very unexpectedly. His paycheck bounced and he showed up for work and the doors were locked and a small sign said "Closed Indefinitely".  We started selling everything we could to make ends meet and feed our small family, even his most prized possession, his Fender guitar. Later on, I went back to the pawn shop to buy it back and it was gone. I saved up money and did lots of research and bought him a brand new amazing guitar for Father's Day. The surprise brought us all to tears. He still uses that guitar in all his shows. He calls it his baby.
What is your favorite gift that he bought for you?
My favorite gift he bought me was the sewing machine he bought me for Christmas last year. I love to sew. I've been using the same hand-me-down machine, from my mom, since I was a teenager. If it ain't broke don't get rid of it, right? His friends' wife is a seamstress and he asked her to help him find the perfect machine for me. I had NO CLUE and, for the first time EVER, he really surprised me. It is touching that he put so much thought into in.
Finish this sentence, “It makes me laugh when my husband…
...tells stories. I don't know if I'm laughing with him or more at the reactions of the people he is telling the stories to. People laugh so hard at his stories (especially his family) that it is really hard not to join in. He makes me laugh and smile every day. Funny text messages, silly comments, cute things he says to me or the kids. He is especially funny when he plays Rock Band. He did the funniest version of "Rock Lobster". (I am laughing right now) I wish I had a video camera going that night. He was so spot on it was hilarious. Fred Schneider has a replacement, if they ever need him.

What are some every day ways that you show love for each other?
He includes me in his life. He always asks "What would be most helpful...". His willingness to dive into the chaos is charming. He fills my car with gas. I feel it is important for him to take some time to hang out with his buddies. He encourages me to take some time to myself or go somewhere with my sisters or friends. We help each other around the house. He is very patient with me. When he goes out of town I leave love notes in the pockets of his shirts or pants. I make sure to have his food ready for work so he eats healthy. He locks the front door behind him when he leaves. That may sound strange, but it's his way of keeping us safe while he is away.
What are some things you like to do together?
We have always loved to go on drives, doesn't matter where. We love to watch old movies like James Bond or 80's movies. We love to go to the park and play with the kids. We adore vacations together, with or without the kids. Laying in bed talking about old times and catching up on family stuff.

If you could give your husband anything, what would it be?
 A man-cave in a perfectly spotless house. It is as simple as that. That is what he would love more than anything. 
What cologne do you love your husband to wear?
 My hubby always smells so good! I love it when he wears his Aero New York 1987 Body Spray. I like scents that are rugged and the smell of leather (Avon Black Suede). HAHAHA!!
Finish this sentence, “My husband is especially attractive when…
...he is totally into a song on stage, playing guitar, wearing a suit and tie. Is it hot in here or is it just me?

I love my marriage because… is the most amazing thing I have ever been a part of. It is something we created, just the two of us, from the ground up. It works for us even if no one else "gets it". I love it that my hubby and I have not always had it easy. We work hard for it and now we know we can make it through anything. We've learned to communicate effectively. I love it that we appreciate every moment we have together. I love my marriage because I feel safer within it than anywhere else on earth.